Strange Brew aka 'The Adventures of Bob & Douc McKenzie: Strange Brew' (1983)

Director: Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas Written by: few obviously intoxicated guys ( among them those above and another one ) Starring: Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, Paul Dooley, Max von Sydow, Lynne Griffin WHAT IS IT ABOUT? Two canadian brother are sent on a mission to buy a beer for their dad. Since they don't have any money they are forced to go directly to the Brevery to try get some % for free. There, they are suddenly thrown into a world-wide crisis, when it appears that the Brevery not only produces beer, but madmen obsessed with controlling the world as well! WORTH IT? No. It so crazy at the beginning, that I've turned it off few times. Then as I tried again, I suddenly realized that that after the silly crazy unfunny beginning something begins to happen, with a potential for a nice story... but then again!... it goes crazy and silly again. I mean, the idea itself sounds ok. Two idiots with a silly mission, with beer being the most important thin...