Big Trouble in Little China ( 1986 )

Big Trouble in Little China ( 1986 ) Starring: Kurt Russell, Kim Cattrall, Dennis Dun Director: John Carpenter Script: Gary Goldman, David Z. Weinstein WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT: When a truck driver Jak Burton ( Kurt Russell ) wins a gambling game he will have to go to hell and meet an ancient warlord to claim his money... and to save the world at the same time! Ok. So the way I've described above sounds probably even better than the movie actually looks. But... You have to believe ( if You still haven't watched it yet ) that it's really hard to tell what the whole thing is about. But... incase You'd like to resign from watching yet already do not be afraid. IT'S WORTH IT. It has a lot of good stuff in it. And it has Kurt Russel and beautifull Kim Cattrall as well. And there are martial arts. And some gunfights as well. And a bit of comedy. And a bit o kitsch. Lots and lots of kitsch to be honest by this is a good kind of kitsch, the one You enjoy. Using ot...