Real Men (1987)

Real Men (1987) Starring: James Belushi, John Ritter Written and Directed by: Dennis Feldman WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? When a person crucial to a save-the-world mission gets killed, a CIA agent ( James Belushi ) must escort his lookalike ( John Ritter ) from one coast of the United States to another, in order to make a a deal... with Aliens. WORTH WATCHING? Yes. It's totally weird, it looks cheap, and makes no sense, but at the same time things that make it so unconvential make it original and watchable as well. The script is totally crazy, I don't think anyone cared to think it over while writitng or greenlighting it's production. It's more like a kid's story, child play's scenario made on the spot. But it's surprisingly funny, even if it's stupid at some many times. It's strong point is the cast, and the characters. James Belushi and John Ritter play very well together, and their roles are surprisinly likeable, ane believable too. I must admit, I...